Policies & Expectations
Expectations of DVMS Library
Students need to be:
Ready to Learn
The Library is not a playground thus students please do not run in the library.
Use an inside voice.
Library Policy
The Del Valle Middle School Library is a lending library. Students are able to borrow books and
then return them.
Students are allowed to check out, with a clean Identification Badge, three books for two weeks.
The date the books are due will be stamped inside the front cover on the Date Due Slip.
Students will not be charged overdue fines, but if the books are damaged when returned
(Including water damage) they will be charged the price of the book. Also students that have
lost a book will be required to pay the price of the lost book (in order for it to be replaced).
Students will come with their ELAR teachers to the library, but students may come in before
school, at lunch, or at the end of the day to return books and check out more in between times
their teacher brings them.
Library Helpers have a special pass which will allow them to come into the library before school
to help check in books, and do other activities the librarian may need them to do.
Online Resources
- DVISD Sora for eBooks
- Project Gutenberg (which has thousands of free books)
- ETGLD (East Travis Gateway Library District-- access to books and electronic resources)
- APL (Austin Public Library) books and resources
- TexQuest (accessed through TexQuest Navigator and Classlink)
- Comics Plus (accessed through Classlink)
- Destiny Online Catalog (accessed through Classlink)
Reading Lists
- 2023 Lone Star Reading List is a reading list for grades 6,7, and 8 to encourage recreational reading. The 30 books are selected by a committee of Texas librarians that work with middle school age students.
- DVISD Summer and Fall Campus Reading Challenger with the Book List for grades 6-8 selected by middle school librarians in Del Valle ISD.
- 2023 Maverick Reading List
Read It Forward is a reading program available to individual students or to ELAR classes that would like to read the book selected for middle school students in Del Valle ISD. The book selected this year is Invisible by Christina Diaz Gonzalez. The book will be available for check out late in the first semester.
Battle of the Lone Star Books-Del Valle Middle Schools-March 8 at Del Valle Middle School
In the 2022-23 school year the Del Valle Middle School Librarians took on the task of creating our own competition. The Battle of the Lone Star Books had been held for some years at Region 13, then at Lockhart Junior High, the Discovery School, and at Bertha Sadler Means School in East Austin. We decided to have our own competition.
This year the same format will be followed for the DVISD Middle School Battle of the Lone Star Books competition. Up to three teams of five to seven students from each middle school will read the twelve books on the list and then come together to compete as a team. Students will have one Chromebook per team to use, and multiple choice questions will be given through the Kahoot program. A master of ceremonies will also read the questions and answers to the students. The team that gets the most correct answers will be the winner. Questions were written by the middle school librarians.
All students competing will get a free tee- shirt in their school color with the same design on all of them with Red shirts for Del Valle MS, Green shirts for Ojeda, and Blue shirts for Dailey Middle School. Teachers helping, librarians, and principals will also get T-shirts. Top three winning teams will get medals, with the first place team getting the traveling trophy that will stay with the winning team after each year’s competition. There will be goodie bags for each team with new books, erasers, candy, bookmarks, pens, and pencils in them for all the students. The Battle of the Books will last from 9 a.m. until noon., with a pizza lunch, with soda and cake for all.
Book Fairs will be take place two times at Del Valle Middle School
The first book fair will be the last week of September and will be open during Open House for parents and students to shop together. Students will attend the book with their ELAR classes during the day, and students may also come in before school. Tax will be charged. Students may pay for purchases with cash, check, credit card, and e-wallet. Many books, posters, and other fun things will be for sale.
The second book fair will be a BOGO-Buy One Get One Item of equal or lesser value for free. This book fair will take place in April.
Academic UIL will be held at Ojeda Middle School on a Saturday in late January 2024.
Students must be passing their classes in order to participate. Students may participate in two speaking events or more of the other events as long as there is not a conflict in the times the activities are held. Students and academic coaches will travel to Ojeda on school buses. Students will be coached by Academic Teachers who have agreed to work with students on a wide variety of subject areas including: math, science, social studies, spelling, chess, music memory, art identification, listening, and speaking events.
Contact Us
Mary Hopkins
Librarian, DVMS
Academic UIL Coordinator